15. Nagrody Gubernatorów
AFPUS singer and actress Jennifer Hudson (C) performs onstage in tribute to US record producer Quincy Jones during the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and...

AFPUS singer and actress Jennifer Hudson (C) performs onstage in tribute to US record producer Quincy Jones during the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and...

AFPUS record producer Quincy Jones' daughter US actress and filmmaker Rashida Jones (C) accepts and honorary award for ther late father during the Academ...

AFPUS record producer Quincy Jones' daughter US actress and filmmaker Rashida Jones (C) accepts and honorary award for ther late father from US actor Jam...

AFPUS record producer Quincy Jones' daughter US actress and filmmaker Rashida Jones (2nd L) accepts and honorary award for ther late father during the Ac...

AFPLate US record producer Quincy Jones appears on screen as he receives and honorary award during the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences' 15th...

AFPBritish screenwriter and director Richard Curtis (L) poses with the Jean Hersholt Humanitarian Award, British-US film producer Michael G. Wilson (2nd...
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