Hiszpańska para królewska na ceremonii wręczenia nagrody dziennikarskiej Francisco Cerecedo
G3 Spanish King Felipe VI and Letizia during the 41 edition of the Journalist Award "Francisco Cerecedo" in Madrid on Monday, 18 November 2024.

G3 Spanish King Felipe VI and Letizia during the 41 edition of the Journalist Award "Francisco Cerecedo" in Madrid on Monday, 18 November 2024.

G3 Spanish King Felipe VI and Letizia during the 41 edition of the Journalist Award "Francisco Cerecedo" in Madrid on Monday, 18 November 2024.

G3 Spanish King Felipe VI and Letizia during the 41 edition of the Journalist Award "Francisco Cerecedo" in Madrid on Monday, 18 November 2024.

G3 Spanish King Felipe VI and Letizia during the 41 edition of the Journalist Award "Francisco Cerecedo" in Madrid on Monday, 18 November 2024.

ABAQueen Letizia of Spain attending the the 41th Francisco Cerecedo Journalism Award at the Ritz Hotel on November 18, 2024 in Madrid, Spain. Photo by Ar...
Spain out

ABAKing Felipe VI and Queen Letizia of Spain attending the the 41th Francisco Cerecedo Journalism Award at the Ritz Hotel on November 18, 2024 in Madrid,...
Spain out

ABAKing Felipe VI and Queen Letizia of Spain attending the the 41th Francisco Cerecedo Journalism Award at the Ritz Hotel on November 18, 2024 in Madrid,...
Spain out

ABAQueen Letizia of Spain attending the the 41th Francisco Cerecedo Journalism Award at the Ritz Hotel on November 18, 2024 in Madrid, Spain. Photo by Ar...
Spain out

ABAKing Felipe VI and Queen Letizia of Spain attending the the 41th Francisco Cerecedo Journalism Award at the Ritz Hotel on November 18, 2024 in Madrid,...
Spain out

ABAKing Felipe VI and Queen Letizia of Spain attending the the 41th Francisco Cerecedo Journalism Award at the Ritz Hotel on November 18, 2024 in Madrid,...
Spain out

ABAQueen Letizia of Spain attending the the 41th Francisco Cerecedo Journalism Award at the Ritz Hotel on November 18, 2024 in Madrid, Spain. Photo by Ar...
Spain out
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